About SSO

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In 2022, members from the Southern Association of Orthodontists (SAO) and the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists (SWSO) began mapping out a plan to merge. In June 2024, they began operating together under one Board of Directors as the Southern Society of Orthodontists (SSO). At the national level, representation at the AAO House of Delegates remains unchanged. We will continue to send seven delegates to represent the SAO region and 12 delegates to represent the SWSO region.

Benefits of Operating Together:

Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness

Consolidated administration expenses creates resources for enhanced meetings, programs, and services.

Expanded Opportunities

Members can network with colleagues from a larger section of the United States and visit new meeting destinations. Combining resources and administrative expenses for meetings allows for a more robust experience with well-known speakers, and exciting events. These elevated meetings can increase attendance and attract more vendor support.

Experienced Component Support

Sharing of knowledge and best practices from each group will help the administrative team expand support and define new ways to serve its members through meeting planning and advocacy efforts. Streamlined communications lead to consistent messaging to more members.

New Committees for Member Engagement

While a combined Board of Directors creates fewer leadership positions, there is increased interest from members for leadership development opportunities. We will engage these members through the creation of new committees such as the newly formed Committee on Annual Meeting Planning, which successfully planned its first combined Annual Session in 2023 in Amelia Island, Florida, and planned the upcoming combined Annual Session in Orlando, September 26-28, 2024.

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